Quoted from TLM.I also put the program on a jump stick and shared it with our friend that has dial up. Good idea I always do save instead of opening, but I will try installing it from the folder.ĮDIT: Failed same response as I did it the first way. Then I installed it from the folder where I saved it. Quoted from TLM:When I downloaded Game Ranger I did 'save' instead of 'open'. I think I'll bring my laptop over into the living room and see if I can connect to GameRanger on it and then I'll know whether it's the internet or this computer.ĮDIT: Failed I'm on GameRanger on my laptop. Same here if I loose internet connection. Quoted from Sly Guy:I've experienced similar errors, but not when downloading GR. However, is it a wireless problem reservedly? Because my laptop is not hooked up to my modem either. I checked them all plugged them back in tightly, and will try again shortly. Quoted from Sly Guy.so the only advice I can offer is to check your network cables, and makes sure that your connection isn't flickering (maybe you're on wireless?).Okay, I think I have wireless (Is that bad?).